Few of the Best VS Code extensions for PHP Developers.

Few of the Best VS Code extensions for PHP Developers.

I was a sublime text fanboy, I tried many editors. Last year, I gave a shot to VS code and it is my primary editor right now, because of the loads of Extensions and Performance. So, in this article, I will be sharing some of the best extensions that will increase your productivity and help you code faster.

Being a web-developer myself the extensions listed below are focusing on web-development and mainly PHP Development.

  1. Night Owl [Theme] with Material Icon Theme [Icon Pack]

Yes, I am starting with a Theme. There are a bunch of themes and Icon Packs available on VS code marketplace but my personal favorite is Night Owl theme with Material Icon Pack. The theme has both Light and Dark modes. The dark mode is not complete Black it’s a Dark shade of Blue and code just looks beautiful in that color.

2. GitLens [Extension]

If you are doing active development then git must be your primary Version Control System and with the help of GitLens you will be able to get powerful insights about code without any hassle.

Some of the best features of GitLens includes:

  1. Current line git blame
  2. Clone summary in the Side-Bar
  3. Hovers with the summary

3. phpfmt — PHP formatter [Extension]

PHPfmt is a simple PHP code formatter.

4. Vetur [Extension]

The must have extension for Vue JS Developers. Vetur is one of the most recommended extension. Vetur provides Code formatting, Linting, Syntax checking and code auto-completion for Vue JS files.

5. HTML CSS Support [Extension]

A powerful extension which provides Code formatting, intellisense, Zen coding for HTML and CSS files along with Plenty of other templating languages like Blade, Twig, pug etc.

6. PHP IntelliSense [Extension]

As the name suggests, this extension provides smart intellisense for your PHP file. But apart from intellisense it also provides features like: Jump to Class or Function Definition, Hover which provides information about the class or the function, Code linting and smart symbol search in the workspace or the file.

These are the best extensions that I can recommend but apart from these I also use:

and some language specific extensions available on VS code Marketplace.

Thank you for reading.